INDIKA – Fitgirl Repacks

INDIKA unfolds the tale of a youthful nun, embarking on a voyage towards self-realization. You can Download it Through Torrent or Direct Links


Genres/Tags: Adventure, Third-person, 3D
Companies: Odd-Meter, 11 bit studios
Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11
Original Size: 24.8 GB
Repack Size: 15.2 GB

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Screenshots (Click to enlarge)

Indika the nun

INDIKA Trailer


Repack Features

  • Based on INDIKA-RUNE ISO release: rune-indika.iso (26,603,061,248 bytes)
  • 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation
  • NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded
  • Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 24.8 to 15.2 GB)
  • Installation takes 2-10 minutes (depending on your system)
  • After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly
  • HDD space after installation: 48.4 GB
  • Language can be changed in game settings
  • Repack uses XTool library by Razor12911
  • At least 2 GB of free RAM (inc. virtual) required for installing this repack
  • Use “INDIKA DX11” desktop icon to play on Windows 7

PS: Pretty unique adventure with a so-so gameplay, but interesting story-wise. Best served with Russian voiceovers.

Game Description


Imagine stepping into a world where light and darkness intertwine, where a young nun sets out on a path of self-realization, guided by an unexpected companion: the devil himself. This is the captivating tale of INDIKA, a story that unfolds the journey of a youthful nun and her enigmatic ally as they navigate a realm where good and evil aren’t always as clear-cut as one might think.

The World of INDIKA

INDIKA is set in a world that resonates with ambiguity. The backdrop is an enchanting yet unsettling landscape where the balance between good and evil is delicately maintained. This world exists in the shadows of moral gray areas, challenging the reader to rethink preconceived notions of righteousness and sin.

The Young Nun’s Quest

Our protagonist is a young nun whose path is one of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. She is determined to understand herself and her place in the world, even if it means facing her inner demons—literally and figuratively. As she embarks on this journey, she is unaware of the unexpected companion who will soon join her.

The Devil’s Presence

Enter the devil, a figure often associated with mischief and darkness. In INDIKA, the devil’s role goes beyond the traditional villainous archetype. He is a complex character, simultaneously charming and enigmatic, who brings a sense of unpredictability to the story. As the nun and the devil cross paths, their lives become intertwined in ways neither could have anticipated.

Intertwined Destinies

The union of these two unlikely characters creates a fascinating dynamic. The young nun and the devil find themselves on a journey of mutual understanding, their destinies intricately linked. This unexpected alliance forces them to confront their biases and question their beliefs, leading to profound self-discovery.

Exploring the Complexity of Morality

INDIKA dives deep into the complexities of morality, exposing the nuances of human nature. The story challenges the reader to reconsider the concepts of good and evil, and to embrace the multifaceted nature of the world. Through the characters’ interactions, the lines between right and wrong blur, revealing a realm where morality is far from black and white.

A World of Ambiguity

In this morally complex world, the boundaries between right and wrong often shift, leaving the reader questioning their own perceptions. INDIKA crafts a narrative that explores the consequences of moral ambiguity, pushing the reader to reflect on their own beliefs and the fluidity of human values.

Character Development

Both the young nun and the devil undergo significant growth throughout their journey. The nun learns to confront her fears and doubts, while the devil reveals a more complex side, shedding light on his motivations and desires. Their relationship evolves, creating a compelling exploration of personal growth and transformation.

Themes in INDIKA

INDIKA touches on several key themes, including self-realization and transformation. The story delves into the notions of trust and betrayal, redemption and forgiveness, all of which play a crucial role in shaping the characters’ journeys. The interplay of these themes creates a rich and layered narrative that keeps the reader engaged.

Narrative Style and Structure

The storytelling in INDIKA is marked by its use of metaphor and symbolism, weaving a tapestry of vivid imagery that captivates the reader. The narrative structure allows for moments of introspection and revelation, guiding the reader through the characters’ odyssey with depth and nuance.

Imagery and Atmosphere

INDIKA’s vivid descriptions of scenes and emotions create an immersive experience for the reader. The atmosphere is both enchanting and foreboding, drawing the reader into a world that is as beautiful as it is mysterious. This evocative imagery adds depth and dimension to the story.

Lessons from INDIKA

INDIKA offers valuable insights into human nature and morality, encouraging the reader to question their own beliefs and assumptions. The story’s impact resonates long after the final page, leaving the reader with a deeper understanding of the complexities of good and evil.

System Requirement

Minimum System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 10 or newer (or a comparable macOS or Linux distribution)
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 or AMD equivalent (recent generations)
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 or AMD Radeon RX 560, or integrated graphics with support for modern rendering standards
  • Storage: 20GB available space
  • DirectX: Version 11 (if on Windows)
  • Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX

Recommended System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 10 or newer (or a comparable macOS or Linux distribution)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 (recent generations)
  • Memory: 16GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 or AMD Radeon RX 580, or comparable dedicated graphics card with support for modern rendering standards
  • Storage: 20GB available space
  • DirectX: Version 11 (if on Windows)
  • Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX

How to Install

Here’s how you can install a game you downloaded from FitGirl Repacks:

  1. Download the Repack:
  2. Make sure you download the FitGirl repack from the official FitGirl website to avoid any malicious files. The site should provide information about the repack, including size and content.
  3. Check Your System:
    • Ensure your PC meets the minimum or recommended system requirements to run the game. Also, make sure you have enough free storage space.
  4. Prepare Your PC:
    • Disable your antivirus temporarily before extracting and installing the repack, as some antivirus software may flag compressed files as false positives. Be sure to re-enable your antivirus after installation.
  5. Extract the Files:
    • Once the repack is downloaded, extract the files using a program like 7-Zip or WinRAR. FitGirl repacks typically come in multiple parts, so you may need to extract all parts into one folder.
  6. Run the Installer:
    • In the extracted folder, locate and run the installation file. It might be called setup.exe or something similar. Right-click the file and select “Run as administrator” to start the installation process.
  7. Follow Installation Instructions:
    • The installer will guide you through the installation process. Choose your preferred installation path and follow the prompts. FitGirl repacks may take some time to install because they decompress the files during the installation.
  8. Verify Installation:
    • After the installation is complete, verify that the game has installed correctly. Check the installation folder to make sure all necessary files are present.
  9. Play the Game:
    • Once the installation is complete and you’ve verified that the game works, you can play the game from the installation directory or a shortcut created on your desktop.
  10. Re-enable Antivirus:
    • After installation, remember to re-enable your antivirus software.

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